
19 nations, European Union (EU) and African Union (AU) with the aim of 10x acceleration to the goal of global equality by 2050

Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls

We work towards ensuring a life free from inequality and discrimination for every woman and every girl

About Women20

Women20 (W20) is the official advisory group set up by the G20 to advise on steps to the economic empowerment of women and girls.

The 2025 Presidency is South Africa (sa)

W20SA Defining Value:  “Ubuntu” I am because you are, I am because we are

W20 theme
for the South African Presidency: Women in Solidarity towards Sustainable Socio-Economic Development

G20 theme
for the South African Presidency: Solidarity, Equality, and Sustainability

W20SA Defining Value: "Ubuntu": I am because you are, I am because we are

The theme for W20SA:

Women in Solidarity towards sustainable socio-economic development

G20 theme for the South African Presidency:

Solidarity Equality and sustainability

“The moral case for greater gender equity is clear, and so is the economic case.
As countries around the world seek to grow their economies and reduce inequality, tapping into the huge potential of women can be a game changer.”
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, March 2017

Climate Justice & the Environment
The ‘triple planetary crisis’ of climate change, pollution and nature loss, directly impacts on food and water security, health, development and the right to life. Gender, place of living, livelihood and socioeconomic situation determine the gravity...
Health Equity for Women & Girls
Women’s health is deprioritised, underfunded and under-researched, leading to significant challenges while widening gender gaps and social and economic disparities. According to the World Bank 800 maternal deaths occur every day.
Women, Land and Agriculture
Women face a plethora of challenges in accessing and owning land. Rural and indigenous women especially face numerous forms of oppression. Globally, many rural women are the key role players in and custodians of food security.
W20 Celebrating 10 Years
The Women20 (W20) engagement group of the Group of 20 (G20) is celebrating its tenth year under South Africa's presidency, marking a significant milestone in the global pursuit of gender equality and women's economic empowerment.
W20 Celebrating 10 Years
The Women20 (W20) engagement group of the Group of 20 (G20) is celebrating its tenth year under South Africa's presidency, marking a significant milestone in the global pursuit of gender equality and women's economic empowerment.
Our impact at w20
Influencing G20 Governments, other organisations to accelerate the steps to global equality by 2050